The Victorious Nature of the work of Jesus

Greg Boyd describes the significance of all this for practical Christian living. ‘When we understand that the powers are destructive systemic forces, and when we view Jesus’ life in the light of Calvary, it becomes apparent that every aspect of his life was an act of warfare, for every aspect of his life reflects Calvary-like love.’ (The nature of the atonement p39).

• When Jesus challenged the taboos of his day, he challenged the world system and showed what the kingdom of God is like.

• He enjoyed the company of tax collectors, prostitutes, and others beyond the religious pale, challenging the forces of religious legalism and oppression.

• He confronted racism and social margianalisation by reaching out to Samaritans and gentiles.

• In a highly patriarchal culture he treated women with remarkable dignity and respect.

• In showing mercy to people who deserved judgment he challenged bigotry, cruelty and judgmentalism.

• In relying completely on his heavenly father for his physical and material needs he demonstrated his total freedom from the power of mamon.

• And in surrendering his life for his enemies he exposed the corruption and hypocrisy of political and religious world systems and demonstrated that the most powerful force in the universe is neither judicial, political, nor military, but the overcoming love of God.

This is adapted from my friend, Geoff’s, blog:


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